Tuesday, March 22, 2011


This picture represents D-Day, the day Allies attacked Germany on Noramndy Day.
This picture shows how the Final solution had killed the Jews.

This picture is the gas chamber where the Jews were tricked into thinking they were gonna shower but they were reallly going to be killed.

This picture is the Gustapos, also known as the Green POlice. they would monitor the streets to see if any Jews were still hiding.

This is Hitler, the guy who mastermind the Holocaust.

This is the Ghettos, where the Jews were kept to keep them isolated from the outside world.

This yellow star of David was put on Jews to indicate if they were Jew or not. It helped Nazis catagorize them and seperate them from everyone else.

These were the Nazis the people that were under Hitler's rule and they would also kill the Jews. 

The Diary of Anne Frank .
Concentration Camps where they would keep Jews and put them to work and be killed.

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